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27 of the Best Golf World Records

Did you know that there are golf world records? You’ve probably heard of the tallest man alive, the world record for longest fingernails or hair, but, there are tons of world records in the golf world too.

If you’re curious or are looking for a new challenge to tackle, check out 27 of the best golf world records (some of them may surprise you.)

1. The Longest Putt

The longest putt was 125 yards and was accomplished by 66-year old, Fergus Muir. It happened back in 2001 at St. Andrews Links on the Eden Course. He made the shot on the 5th hole right from the tee. While some would consider themselves on the wrong side of their sixties, others, like Muir, are taking the time to accomplish world records! Pretty impressive.

2. The Fastest Round

The fastest round ever was completed in 13 minutes and 42 seconds. To make this record happen, a team of 80 golfers were placed around the 18-hole course, all doing their part to make the time. The record was achieved at Farnham Golf Club in Surrey. How 80 people were convinced to chip in on this golf round is a bit confusing to me, but their team work certainly paid off.

3. World’s Longest Hole 

The longest hole in the world can be found in Sano, Japan at Satsuki GC. It’s a par 7, 7th, and it measures a whopping 964 yards. Imagine trying to accomplish that in only three swings. Hey, maybe this will even give you an excuse to take a Japanese holiday. You never know, you might come back with a new golfing record of your own.

4. Longest Competition Drive

The longest drive occurred in a professional competition during 1974. It was achieved at the Winterwood golf course (now called the Desert Rose) by a 64-year old named Mike Austin. This record was set during the US National Seniors Tournament. Using a persimmon club, Austin hit the longest drive, which was 515 yards. It’s worth mentioning that he did get a little help from the 35 mph tailwinds that were whipping around that day.

5. The Most Played Holes in One Year

This record is held by a Canadian golfer named Chris Adam. In just one calendar year, Adam managed to play 14,626 holes! In fact, they were all played on one golf course, the King Kamehameha Golf Club, located in Wailuku, Hawaii. What’s more impressive than the number of games that they played is the amount of free time they must have had to pull it off. Maybe this is what retirement looks like for a golf enthusiast.

playing golf

6. The Youngest Golfer to Get a Hole-in-One 

This is a record that’s pretty hard to beat. And, if you’re reading this article right now, your ship has already sailed. Back in 1999, Christian Carpenter managed to get a hole-in-one at the young age of 4 years and 195 days old. The record occurred at the Mountain View Golf Club in Hickory, North Carolina. He continued his record-breaking quest by shooting a 54 on an 18-hole course at the age of 12. He has since gone pro. Starting off a star golf career at 4 years of age is a hard thing to top as he gets older I’m sure!

7. The Lowest Score on an 18-hole Course

This record was achieved by Rhein Gibson of Australia in 2012. His score was a 55, during a game that took place at the River Oaks Golf Club, located in Edmond, Oklahoma. During this round, there were 12 birdies and 2 eagles.

8. Longest Usable Golf Club

This was a record made around a good cause. Michael Furrh, of the U.S, made a club that measured 8.56 meters and was still usable. In fact, he used it to hit the ball 59 yards. While doing this, he used the attention that the club got to raise money for breast cancer awareness. How much money he ended up raising, I’m not quite sure, but it certainly is a creative way to support those in need.

9. Lowest Score With One Club

The lowest score ever made with one club was a 2 under par 70. The record was met by Thad Daber of the U.S, while using a 6-iron. Daber accomplished this record back in 1987 during the World One Club Championship in North Carolina at the Lochmere Golf Club.

10. Most Holes Played in 24 Hours

Robb James of Canada holds this record which was accomplished using a cart at the Victoria Golf Course. He played 851 holes back in June of 2004 at this course in Edmonton, Canada. While accomplishing this goal, he hit 430 pars, 45 birdies, a high of 87, and four rounds of 68. I suspect that this man had a whole lot of coffee that day.


11. Longest Course in The World

The longest course in the world can be found in Lijiang, China. It’s located at the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and is a par-72. The course is 8,548 yards, and its longest hole is par-5 5th, at 711 yards. You might want to add this course to your travel bucket list.

12. The Biggest Golf Club Collection

Collecting golf clubs since 1992, Robert Lantsoght of Spain has 4,393 clubs. He owns a restaurant in Costa del Sol where diners can get a view of his entire collection which is on display there. He continues to add to his collection every week.

13. Fastest Golf Cart

People actually race golf carts, and the fastest one was driven by Robby Steen of the U.S. The cart’s name was Bandit, and was owned by Plum Quick Motors. It reached a speed of 191.12 km/hour at the Darlington Dragway in Hartsville, South Carolina in 2014.

14. The Longest Golf Cart

Well, since there is a record for the fastest, there might as well be one for the longest too. Created by Mike’s Golf Course, in the U.S, the longest cart measures 9.62 meters from bumper to bumper. This was accomplished in Georgia during May, 2013.

golf cart

15. The Longest Serving Member of a Golf Course

Geoffrey Crosskill of the UK holds this record of being a golf club member for 82 years and 18 days. He became a member of Eaton Golf Club in Norwich and is still going strong. Twice a week is how often he usually plays, usually on Mondays and Thursdays at 7am.

16. The Tallest Professional Golfer

This record goes to Marcel Pickel of Germany, who stands at 2.06 meters. This was last documented in 2014 in Koln, Germany. From 2010 to 2013, he played on the PGA of Germany Tour.

17. The Most 18-hole Courses Played During One Year

Cathie and Jonathon Weaver of Canada, hold this record for playing on 449 different courses during one calendar year. From 2008 to 2009, they played courses all across Canada and the USA. The husband/wife duo are quite accomplished golfers and brought their skills to golf courses in Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, California, Nevada, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, Alabama, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, New Foundland, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. Throughout this year, they averaged about 8.6 courses every week.

18. Youngest Female Hole-in-One 

Soona lee-Tolley of the U.S, is the youngest female to score a hole-in-one. She was 5 years and 103 days old and was par 3 7th at the Manhattan Woods Golf Club in West Nyack, New York in 2007. The hole was an impressive 125 yards long.

19. The Largest Golf Tee 

Ok, so we’ve already talked about the largest golf club, so now we can’t help but mention the largest golf tee. The record says that the biggest one out there is 30 feet and 9 inches in length, 3 inches in head diameter, and 2 feet, 1 inch in width. Wow. Jim Bolin is the man behind the tee and he achieved this monstrosity by taking giant pine boards, glueing them together, and shaping them with a chainsaw. Why did he make it? It’s hard to say. Maybe he was in cahoots with the guy who made the largest club.

20. Most Golf Balls Hit at Once

Madrid was bidding for the 2016 Olympics and figured that they would pull off this golf stunt to gain some traction. In September of 2009, multiple golfers lined up at the Real Federacion Espanol de Golf Course to hit the record of 1,873 balls. That’s a whole lot of pressure though. Imagine going for the record and then being the one to miss!

golf balls

21. The Most Rounds in One Day in Different Countries

In June of 2013, Alexander Hautekiet and Belgians Kasper De Wulf were able to play 8 rounds of golf in 8 different countries. Starting off at Italy’s Tarvisio Golf & Country Club, they went on to play rounds in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Slovenia, and Belgium, where they finished at the Damme Golf & Country Club. These guys are some serious jet setters! 

22. Most Balls Caught in One Minute

Wanting to work on their catching skills, two brothers, Nicholas and Daniel Parkes put themselves to work at the Edwalton Municipal Golf Course in Nottinghamshire in the UK. Their little experiment happened in 2013 when Daniel took his 5-iron and hit the balls for Nicholas to catch as he stood 100 meters away. Wearing protective gear, Nicholas was able to catch 7 balls in only 60 seconds. Pretty impressive.

23. Most Consecutive Bounces of a Golf Ball on The Head of a Ball Peen Hammer 

In Viejo, California, Michael J. Lavery was able to set this record with 481 bounces. It’s not easy to do but he seriously committed to this little stunt and has been able to hold the record ever since March of 2017.

24. The Most Golf Balls to Fit in Someone’s Mouth

This seems like a serious choking hazard, but in the name of competition, someone attempted to set the record. In February of 2013, that someone was Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya from Mumbai, India. He was able to fit five golf balls into his mouth at the same time. While it’s pretty impressive, it’s also quite dangerous, so please don’t try this at home, or anywhere else! 

golf ball

25.The Most Golf Balls Hit Off a Human Tee in One Minute

Here’s yet another dangerous golf record to note. This one took place in Vermont on May 29th, 2017. Two boys were the geniuses behind this stunt, and a total of 27 balls were hit off of one of their bodies in only a minute. One of the boys laid down on the green, with an upright tee taped to his stomach. While this could have ended up as a disaster, things clearly went pretty well.

26. The Most Rounds Trying to Shoot Their Age in One Day

Bob Kurtz, a 71-year old golfer and former CNN and ESPN sportscaster set the record at seven in 2012. He was at the Oaks Golf Course in Fairview, Alabama. He played nine rounds before finally completing the task, with his starting rounds of 70, 68, 68, 67, 69, and ending with 70, and 69.

27. Most Golf Balls Hit in Ten Seconds

This seems like a whole lot of pressure to put on yourself. With only ten seconds to spare, Mark E. was able to hit 37 golf balls. His record was set in October of 2014. Pretty impressive! I wonder what he looks like when he goes to the driving range.

Who would have thought that there were so many world records set around golf? There are plenty more where that came from if you’re curious to see what else these competitive golfers have been up to. And, if you would like to beat these, or set some new records, go for it; there’s always room to improve on what already exists. If you’d like to practice on a golfing holiday, you can see our destinations here.



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